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How to insert and remove your hearing aids properly

Before you start, you need to identify which hearing aid is for which ear. There are two ways to determine which hearing aid is for the left ear and which is for the right ear:

  • Color coding: The left hearing aid has a blue dot on the back and the right has a red dot.
  • Shape: the wires and earbuds should face inwards toward the ear.

For instructions on how to insert and remove your hearing aids, you can watch this tutorial video from our Audiology team or read the step-by-step instructions below.



Step by Step Instructions:

Inserting your hearing aids: 


1. Hang the hearing aid over the top of your ear.



2. Hold the receiver wire where it bends and gently place/push the receiver dome into your ear canal.



 3. Push the dome far enough into your ear canal so that the receiver wire rests against your head.



Tip: Use a mirror while you put them in your ear. Make sure not to bend or modify the shape of the receiver wire.

Checking your fit:

Proper fit is crucial for good sound quality, comfort, and security. Check the fit of the hearing aid by ensuring:

  • The wire follows the shape of your ear.
  • The wire does not stick out and should fit comfortably around the top of your ear.
  • There is no whistling or feedback. If you hear feedback, the issue may be with the receiver wire length or dome size.
    • If the wire is too long, it may bend away from your ear.
    • If the wire is too short, it may feel tight and may pull the dome partly out of your ear.

Tip: Try a different dome size if necessary. Different sizes are included in your hearing aid box. For additional guidance, check out our article on Finding Your Comfortable Hearing Aid Fit.

Removing your hearing aids:


1. Lift the hearing aid off your ear.



2. Gently hold the receiver wire with your thumb and index finger where it bends and pull the dome out of your ear canal.

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