It isn’t uncommon to experience itchy ears and/or sore ears when you first start wearing hearing aids. For those with access to Hearing Care*, you’ll want to speak with our audiology team about it so we can get to the bottom of the cause. Itchy is different than sore. Both issues can be present at the same time.
What is itchy?
We refer to "itchy ears" as the ear canal feeling a bit scratchy and ticklish from the earbud, but not necessarily accompanied by any pain or discomfort. Itchiness can occur if the wire and dome aren't fitting well, but most often this occurs when ears are overly dry, flaky, and don't have enough natural oils in the ears to help them sit comfortably. If we confirm the correct wire and earbud size are being used, we recommend purchasing Miracell to help alleviate this. Also, critically important, we strongly urge customers to stop using Q-tips/cotton swabs. They dry ut the natural oils of the ear.
What is sore?
Soreness usually occurs when things aren't fitting well. This could be from the length of the wire or the size or shape of the ear bud or an occlusion in the ear. This can also come about from many failed attempts to put the hearing aids on correctly. Typically we will measure the correct ear wire size and help to guide customers to the best dome to use. Depending on the severity of the soreness we may recommend they go in person to have an otoscopic exam of the ears
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*Go to My Account to see if you have access to Hearing Care